7 Practices for Greater Mental Clarity

Elissa Teal Watson
2 min readMay 2, 2021

Every Monday at 12:00pm Eastern, I and a group of coaches lead a discussion on Clubhouse about topics relevant to women in business. Tomorrow, Monday, May 3rd at12:00pm Eastern, we’ll be discussing our practices for greater mental clarity. In preparation for the event, I listed out my practices. If you are reading this before the event and you’re on Clubhouse, please join us Here is the link: Practices for Greater Mental Clarity

If you can’t make it to the event or you’re reading this past the event time, please keep reading. Here are my practices for greater mental clarity.

  1. I practice the self-care that works for me (getting 7 hours of sleep, spending at least 30 minutes of self-reflection time in the morning, practicing positive self-talk, and eating nourishing foods that make me feel energized).

2. I regularly reflect on my strengths, values, and beliefs. I reflect on my thoughts, behaviors, and goals. I compare the two sets. Are they in alignment? If not, I ask myself “why”? But I don’t ask myself “why” in a negative way. I ask myself in a spirit of wonderment. I wonder why they are not in alignment with each other. I find that during my self-reflection time I gain insight about that and I adjust. A great resource that helped me with this style of self-reflection is the book, The Big Leap, by Gay Hendricks.

3. When possible, I take a 10–20 minute afternoon nap.

4. I take regular mental breaks from my work throughout the day.

5. I keep my physical belongings minimalistic-ish. Small house, small wardrobe, etc.

6. To manage task overwhelm, I use a set of questions to ask myself when I am prioritizing my tasks or considering a request from someone about a project or collaboration. Those questions help me to choose tasks that align with my strengths, values, and goals.

7. When I am feeling negative emotions, I take some deep breaths and I use self-talk to move to better feeling thoughts. I will sometimes pull out some favorite books that help to center my thoughts and emotions. Two of my favorites are Practicing the Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle and Loving What Is: Four Questions that can change your life by Byron Katie.

I’d love to hear from you! What are your practices for greater mental clarity?

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Elissa Teal Watson

I write about mindset, emotional intelligence, self-care, productivity, habits, career, and relationship management.