Healthy Ways to Turn a Bad Mood Around, Part 2: Take a Big Picture Perspective

Elissa Teal Watson
2 min readSep 2, 2021

Sometimes the things that get us in a bad mood are minor irritations — things that other people are doing or have done.

They are irritating to us but in the long run, those things aren’t really that important.

Ask yourself: Will this matter in 5 minutes? Will this matter in 5 hours? Will this matter in 5 days? Will this matter in 5 years? Will this matter when I’m dead?

If the answer is no, then I tell myself: “Do not waste your mental and emotional energy on this matter.”

For instance, when someone writes a snarky or negative comment on a post. It’s easy to let that get to me. But I have learned that their negativity doesn’t have to put me in a bad mood.

Another example: waiting in the doctor’s office waiting room for ridiculous amounts of time.

If it is more than a minor irritation — if it is a long-term difficult situation that needs to change, I recommend getting help from others.

Who do you know who has tools to help you with that specific problem?

At the very least, seek out resources (books, classes, videos) that will help you navigate through the difficult situation.

Ask a trusted friend or colleague what resources they know of.

I invite you to contact me and I will do my best to guide you in the right direction for resources.

Did you miss Part 1?

Here is the link: Part 1: Deep Breathing

Share with me what your favorite healthy way is to turn a bad mood around!



Elissa Teal Watson

I write about mindset, emotional intelligence, self-care, productivity, habits, career, and relationship management.